June 2016

To get a business going, especially if it’s your first one, may be a challenge. Even more so if you wish to venture into a new sector or want to scale up. Luckily, there are people who can help: it’s much easier to take the plunge when you have the support of business incubators or venture capital funds such as Black Pearls VC. Whatever your choice, you should know what to expect from incubators and how the venture capital can assist you.


A common language and mutually complementary competencies: this is the basis for a successful relationship (at least in the business reality). In our work with startupers, the scientists are the party bringing in their sophisticated knowledge and ideas, while Black Pearls VC contributes with business experience, contacts and investments, creating the environment necessary for productive scientific activity.


Are there any EU-level actions to facilitate start-ups creation? Are there any obstacles that the entrepreneurs have to face while growing their businesses on the Single Market scale? Public consultations to better understand European entrepreneurs’  needs have been launched by the EU Commission. Black Pearls VC Venture Partner Ewa Treitz participated in the consultations to provide valuable feedback as the ecosystem’s representative on investor side.